Monday, November 19, 2007

darkness falls

i got a lot done today...more, in fact, than i expected. i plowed through a mountain of tasks i'd been putting off and managed to accomplish the bulk of the thanksgiving shopping. there's a few loose ends to tie down, of course, and i can already see a few holes in the meal - i totally forgot to add potatoes to the list, for example - but i could put together a pretty decent dinner if i had to right now.

but the price of all this efficiency, all this activity, is that im tired... bone tired. i feel a bit chesty, a bit head-achey, nothing that a dose of elderberry extract, a hot whiskey toddy and a warm milk bath wouldn't cure.

i'm supposed to go out tonight. i'd like to go. i want to go. i committed to this group of women six months or more ago. tonight the spirit is wlling, but the flesh is very tired.

tonight, i bow to the will of my body. i'm going to eat a nourishing supper. im goign to run a hot bath. im going to add milk and lavendar oil. im going to use some of my friend rose's mud mask stuff. i'm going to dress in comfy sweats and fuzzy socks. im going to curl up under an afghan on the couch, and read.

and i will light a candle in honor of my friends.

and furthermore, the war must end. blessed be.

1 comment:

Stacie said...


Always good to heed the warnings of the body. Eat well, warm the body and soul, rest. Your friends will understand.
