so very, very much to do suddenly... just as i would prefer the world to slow down and let me settle into a nice fictive dream-state. i can't complain too loudly, though... it's all of my own devising and choosing. i feel like a gardener suddenly overwhelmed by a plethora of plenty. it's all quite wonderful in its own way, but wow, is there a lot of it.
i pulled the Archetype cards that represent monk, mystic, shaman and warrior from the Caroline Myss Archetype deck, and now that i'm aware of Them, i can feel them quite clearly, hovering around the edges. i pulled my 12 "sacred contract" archetype cards, as well, and i can see how those energy patterns which i brought into my life merge and morph and shift into these others.
i have agreed to be a guinea pig of sorts for my friend carla of Wings For You Coaching, who is learning a new method of creatively coaching people. as part of that process, i will be posting a blog every week about what i've learned and what new insights i've had into my own writing process.
this new-old story that's suddenly emerged is going well - im frustrated by the lack of certain empirical knowledge - florida estate law to be exact - but at least i have friends who might be able to point me in the right direction.
the rest of the Angel chapters are gnawing away ... begging to be born. karen's first chart is perfect for chapter three, but part of the problem is that i've been so focused on decorating and painting and thanksgiving for 30 (yes, possibly) i've fallen off the Angel wagon, so to speak, and have been paying less than perfect attention to the Guidelines.
my plan for today - after the Writers' Circle meeting, and before the tarot readings im doing tonight - is to take some time and set some priorities and some goals for the next several weeks.
and furthermore, the war will end. blessed be.
1 comment:
sounds like you have been busy too
take care of yourself
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