Sunday, February 10, 2008

ready for my close-up

for a few years when i was in high school, i flirted with the idea of becoming an actress. acting was something that seemed to come to me as naturally as breathing. once i learned to loosen up and get over the jitters, stepping into a role seemed as easy to me as stepping into another suit of clothes. standing on the edge of a stage, staring out over the banks of lights into the dark sea of dim faces, i knew myself to be in another kind of reality altogether - here, but not here, present but not really.

at the boarding school in england, even the drama coach was impressed. have you ever considered applying for RADA, she asked one day. that road not taken might someday be the subject of another blog.

today i am reminded how all things spiral. who would've foreseen that the lessons of my high school drama and voice teachers would've suddenly become so important? down the years, the echos whisper... eye contact, find your center, drop your shoulders, lift your chin. fill your lungs, feel your breath.

this morning, as i light my candles and sage the house, i offer a prayer of thanks to harry, to mrs hartley, to all my voice and drama teachers across so many years and miles.

and furthermore, the war must end. blessed be.

1 comment:

Stacie said...

you go girl! you're ready. you can do this!