Tuesday, September 23, 2008

a day to get stuff done

the mire of the chaos is starting to muddle my mind. i can feel it in my more-than-ordinary resistance to thinking in straight lines. and yet, with autumn nipping at my heels like a persistent puppy, i feel an ever-growing imperative to Get Things Done. winter is coming - a season in which i hope to reap the benefits of my fiction-writing fallow of the past six months. but in order to wallow as i would, to truly sink down and settle in, i would like my physical space to reflect the same inner order i envision creating.

and so i toy with the idea of calling in my Mother. my mother is not so much my mother as a Force of Nature - rather like the Faerie Queen. her ability to think in straight lines approaches genius but one dances with her at one's peril. if my father is a big picture person like i am, my mother understands the means by which the big picture is accomplished. but do i really want this Energy - even ever so briefly - in my house, in my home?

i reach for my list, as my mother would. and i ponder.

and furthermore, the war must end. blessed be.


The Skinny B said...

it is a fact that sometimes we just NEED our Moms to get things done. enjoy this gourgeous day!

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

I have nothing of conscious value to add . . . though I am reminded of counsel I used to give my staff back in the corporate days: The greater the risk, the greater the potential outcome.

And while I tended to spin this in the most positive of ways, I was ever aware of the double edge that it held.

Unknown said...

your words are true, dear rose... which is why it is so tempting ... the die in any case is cast. shes' coming up sometime in midoctober.

Unknown said...

your words are true, dear rose... which is why it is so tempting ... the die in any case is cast. shes' coming up sometime in midoctober.

Anonymous said...

Mothers provide alternative views -and that's something we all benefit from now and again. It takes us outside of ourselves even when we don't want to go. Enjoy.

It's good to know others need the environment to be balanced before creativity can flow freely - I thought it was just me!

michelle huey said...

Your mom sounds alot like mine. I would much rather snap my fingers and it be done than to take the painstaking steps my mother takes before tackling a project. I like your blog-I'll be coming back soon!