Sunday, September 27, 2009

sunday morning silence

i woke up to the sound of falling rain. Beloved has yet another trip to make to the Land of His People (aka brooklyn) so im all alone in this sweetest of silences. i've been alternating playing the piano, dancing to irish music, checking my email, meditating, and stenciling my great-grandmother's cupboard. i like the plain silver knobs i found at the hardware store, and the vine stencil has come out just as i hoped. im taking a break now, to let the vine dry, before i finish up with a few flowers and maybe a berry or two.

i have a lot of packing up to do for the rest of the day... meg's bathroom, meg's bedroom, the exercise room all have shelves of books and other items that need to be packed in boxes before much else can be done. we're hoping to order the stuff this week... so major progress will begin soon. im even thinking of asking my mother and stepfather if they'd like to come and help me spend a few days painting. (maybe it could worth another broadway show.)

i have quite a few pieces of furniture to refinish or paint - libby's new desk, meg's new desk, meg's bookcases, libby's bookcase, libby's wall shelf, meg's dresser and blanket chest and wall shelves, AND the bookcase im moving into the exercise room - not to mention a couple of bookcases i plan to move into my writing room as a quick aside.

in terms of writing - do you do that any more, Beloved wondered the other day - my character interviews are proceeding apace. im really quite amazed at what the first one told me. im tempted to go tearing into the story, but im so intrigued by what happened this first time, im more tempted to interview the others. i can feel them lining up, just beyond the Veil. maybe i'll share some of them here.

and furthermore, the war will end. blessed be.


Allison said...

Do you have a formal procedure for the character interview(Come in madam, have a seat, glad you stopped by today)or do you multi task while you do them ?(while painting for example).

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

You sound busy and I am glad your characters are going about their lives so they can provide you w/ample background information.
Please, could you send some rain our way? It's been 6 months...Thank you.