Friday, October 26, 2007

clear skies

this morning, when i walked the puppies, the stars were back. orion was stretched across the sky above the trees, the full moon shone through the not-yet-bare branches. if the trees had been in full leaf, i wouldn't have seen her. on our second time out, the palest blue of dawn was streaking the eastern sky, orion still visible but fading, the moon gleamed like a klieg light behind the trees.

it is my routine, every morning, to walk the dogs while Beloved makes their breakfasts and my coffee. he thinks it's a terrible chore i have... outside at the earliest of hours, rain or shine, cold or hot.

he doesn't know how much i savor that first full blast of day. the world is sometimes silent, sometimes noisy, the sky is sometimes cloudy, sometimes clear. it is the moment when i pause and step into the world. i bless my puppies, actually, who drag me out of bed each morning. Beloved thinks i'm crazy.

i think i'm really, really lucky.

and furthermore, the war must end. blessed be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, sweet Karma still pulls me outdoors in the morning, though not always as far or as long as in
his days of physical presence. Still, he helped me know and honor that part of the day (and many
others). The canines are IMO mighty mentors.

And yes, the war must end, All of them.