Friday, April 11, 2008

spring's sprung

and with it... the race to get a jump on the flower beds. i noticed them this morning while i was walking the puppies - i've been avoiding looking at them too closely. along with the light and the birds and the green comes the weeds and the work.

the first order of business, therefore, was to go assess the state of the tools. a whole bucket of gardening implements, and gloves seems to have disappeared, so i guess the second order of business will be a stop at the feed store for stuff. this is not necessarily a good thing, since i have a terrible feeling that this need for stuff could get quickly out of hand, particularly when it comes to small green growing things.

i happened to have a cup of coffee with my friend rose the other day. she, good green witch that she is, has been nursing trays of seedlings practically since imbolc. i looked at those lovely trays of fragile nurslings and felt what can only be described as a ferocious wave of baby lust.

it really is spring.

and furthermore, the war must end. blessed be.


Stacie said...

i know...i still haven't ordered my seeds. so that's on my to do list this weekend!

Kim said...

beds are cleaned out and beautiful green things are popping through the earth. I need a huge load of mulch or manure. ah, you know a true gardner when they long for a truck load of poop. I'm going to try and make it today for a reading if you want to bring the bowl - otherwise beltane is fine.