now, this award has RULES - don't they all - but i don't like RULES. you're supposed to recognize EIGHT people and give them the award and tell them to pass it along. but although i don't want to limit it to eight, i do want to send a special shout-out to some truly wonderful people who i would never have connected with otherwise, except here, in the blogosphere. they've made me laugh and cry and cringe and nod my head. they open their hearts and their homes. and so, with a nod in the direction of all my dear reader friends who i know in the flesh as well as by pixel, here's my list of those especial bloggers i know deserve this award:
reggie girl
veggie mom
nj decorator
mama krit
and the SITS featured blogger of the day ...
dipaolo mamma at chicken nuggets of wisdom!
don't forget... this is a monday pay-it-forward post :)....
so I saw your site on a friend of my..by the name of Crazee Scott :) hope you have a Blessed day!!! Can't wait to see more of what you have to blog about :)
You are so sweet - thank you very much.
Hey Annie~
Sorry I've missed visiting you this weekend...it's been CRAZY! Congrats on your awesome award! Happy Belated Birthday to you...sure sounds like your hubby made you feel extra-special! Hope your Monday is plugging along!
Awesome people you recognized up there! :-)
Yeah on your award. Have a great day.
Ohh... am I first? I'd love to win something from you!
Am I first, uh? Am I? :)
Congrats! You are such a generous person.
Funny, I also left you something at my blog. Must be in the water..
You are a wonderful, warm human being. More power to your elbow Mrs!
You are such a sweetie! And such a pretty award, too...I'm soooooo honored! *blush* You know, Annie, you're a Truly Wonderful gal, too!
Congrats on your award! You deserve it completely!
Yipee!!! Thank you so much, I look forward to paying this forward.
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