unless of course, you have a psycho mailman who refuses to come down your driveway to bring you packages too large to fit into your mailbox. (oh, yeah, when mamarazzi says favorite things, she means favorite things!)
saturday, he finally left me a slip that told me i had a package waiting. yesterday, i finally claimed it. and WOW... is all i can say.
my swap partner, jeri, of i'm being held hostage, sent me THE MOST amazing box!!! i was almost in tears!!!!
she sent me ... yummy stuff to eat... including chocolates from cadbury and lindt, and carr's water biscuits - from england!!! now, if you have never had european chocolate, you don't know what you're missing... i don't know why cadbury's is better over there, but IT IS!!!

she also sent me some yummy stuff to keep me looking young and beautiful - chocolate mask from muddy H20, coconut body and shower creams, handmade lavendar soap and my own personal favorite - bath salts!!!

but that wasn't all.
she also sent me flower fairies stickers (if you don't know the flower fairies by cecily mary barker, go google them!), a beautiful print of a windmill, a red telephone kiosk notebook and pen (from london!!) and the piece de resistance...

a british edition of TWILIGHT!~!!!!! be still my heart!!!!! you should've heard my girls moaning and groaning over THAT one!!!!
so THANK YOU to jeri and THANK YOU to mamarazzi... millions of hugs and much happiness to you BOTH!!!!
and furthermore, the war will end. blessed be.
What an awesome package. I can imagine you was in a bloggy heaven going through it. Love the chocolates and yes I agree Bath Salts are great.
What a fun swap. Thanks for sharing.
Mm... it all looks yummy! I havent been over for a wh ile life gets busy sometimes huh?! Glad to see you're getting on with your book.) I see you gave me a sisterhood award th anks very much. Am very happy to be a part of your hood).
Wishing you lots of loverly things,
Wow, what a generous gift swap!
that cool..i do this with a group on cafemom and i love it, we have so much fun
What a great swap package! Definately worth the wait!
That is some great stuff, I am so happy for you.
well worth the wait I'd say.
(that's all I got)
I think you got way too much for one person to handle...how 'bout sending some of your loot my way? :)
Looks like a great swap. Yeah for Twilight.
That was an awesome package...lucky you.
Wow, what an amazing package. Well worth the wait. Enjoy!
Yeah You!! I'm so glad you liked it--and got it! I am envisioning your mailman like the guy on Funny Farm (with Chevy chase, very fun movie):-) SO glad you're daughters liked the book-- oh, you HAVE to tell me what you think of the H2O muddy mask. These people were so good to me when they found out we were military and couldn't get it over here. They have a chocolate blueberry one as well... yum.
Thank you again for my box and books, I really enjoyed swapping with you!
Umm...woo hoo..what a package..wanna share? LOL
You got a great box..enjoy
What a fabulous box of goodies!! I bet that felt great opening up all of those delightful treats!
Happy St. Patrick's Day, my friend!
Oooh you got some GREAT stuff! Wasn't this so much fun! And just think... if I hadn't seen the post you posted about the swap, I would have totally missed out on it! Boy oh Boy am I glad that I read your blog everyday... or almost every day ;)
Wow! That's a fabulous package! I need to get into these swaps!
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