Saturday, October 4, 2008

oh happy day

a happy day is one where nothing happens with which i can't cope and where i get things done. today is a happy day ... so far.

i spent my morning writing hours pawing and sorting through the mountain of paper and books on my writing room floor. there's a mess on my desk now, but at least it's a sorted mess and a clean mess and if i don't quite know where it's all going to go, i have high hopes that i will either find an appropriate home for it, or trash it. i spent my afternoon prepping the kitchen chairs and putting the finishing touches on my dollhouse. i haven't posted pictures in a while because the camera broke, but as soon as Beloved shows me how to work the new one, i will post the finished piece. in case anyone has forgotten, here's a picture of what the dollhouse used to look like:

in between, libby and i got quite a few kitchen cabinets cleaned and papered and either emptied or filled. it's such a joy to see there's actually room for stuff in the cabinets. i even have one i haven't designated as anything yet, because i'm waiting to see if there's something i've forgotten about.

then i told libby to take her shower and get ready and we would go do something fun. i dragged her and the puppies off for a walk. we walked along the river and even buddy was well-behaved. what makes you think this is my idea of fun, she asked several times.

how couldn't it be? i replied. we're here on this beautiful day in this beautiful place with our puppies who love us more than god. see the leaves, and the water and the sunshine? this is good for us - it's good to breathe the fresh air and stretch our legs. and look how happy the puppies are.

we could be shopping, she observed. we could be seeing the mall, the clothes, the food. the puppies would be happy - we could bring them a treat.

this is free, i pointed out.

and libby, in whom my grandmother's money-loving castaldi blood runs thick and true, shut up.

and furthermore, the war must end. blessed be.


rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Heh heh.

I happy day it has been. The warmth of that glorious October sun was a JOY to be in. I think maybe some small part of Libby knows that, eh?

And how 'bout that moon a risin'?

Unknown said...

and what an absolutely glorious moon it is!!!

Ayreonfae said...

Wow, it never ceases to baffle me that there are people basking and loving the sun today, when i was beyond thankful that it was cloudy and under 100 and that i could takr the kids out of the house to play with out sweating with in 2 mins. But i guess that either way, sunny or over cast that it was a good day for each end of the weather spectrum.

Unknown said...

wow... iva, where in the world ARE you?? its getting chilly in this part of the world - the days are getting shorter and the temps are dipping into the forties at night. we are LOVING the sun as it will soon be really cold and really dark for what will seem like a long, long time... sigh.

Unknown said...

wow... iva, where in the world ARE you?? its getting chilly in this part of the world - the days are getting shorter and the temps are dipping into the forties at night. we are LOVING the sun as it will soon be really cold and really dark for what will seem like a long, long time... sigh.

Kim said...

It sounds like a glorious day. We took the kids to the fall festival to see the antique cars. Youngest wanted everything that cost money. She was down right nasty until hubby threatened chores beleiving we should be spending all of our money on her. That passed quickly and it was a beautiful fall day.

Ayreonfae said...

lol, We are not really all that far in the world, just here in AZ. I walked outside this morning and actually felt a chill in the air, it was wonderful. Just yesterday we went to the zoo with the kids and let them play in the water park they have there. It is just suppose to stay under 100 but still in the 90's this week. I really miss my fall clothes

Patti Gibbons said...

Oh I have been LOVING the days here in the Hudson Valley. I took a walk along the reservoir yesterday after work w/a friend instead of working in the studio after teaching. I figured how many days will we have left where I can wear a t-shirt? After that we went and had a glass of champagne and some munchies before heading home....
Life IS beautiful.