i've been working on my picture project for nearly two years, ever since we brought a truckload of pictures back from my grandmother's house. when we did the kitchen renovation last summer, that was a good reason to swoop up the rest of the pictures. it was time to refresh and redo but it proved itself to be an even more massive project than even i envisioned. it involved removing pictures from old or broken frames, putting them in new frames or usable frames, and it's still not finished - although what i think of as "phase one" is done:

this is phase two. i painted part of the hallway wall to create a focal point, and today Beloved has promised me to get molding. im painting the molding the same honey white as the rest of the molding in the house. it's going top and bottom on the brown part to create a framed in space. then the rest of the photographs are getting hung there. at least i hope all the rest of the photos are getting hung there... if not... im going to have to find another wall...
oh i wish i had a hall, great place for a photo gallery. my living room is covered in family photos
Wow ... you've been busy! I'm looking forward to seeing the moldings *and* the "completed" project will all the photos.
(I think I see the sun squeaking through ...)
(merry summer!)
wow, you are very creative in the area of home decor!
I just love "phase one" I have tons of pictures I need to frame and hang. Hubby keeps buying paintings at yard sales and hanging them in all the empty spaces. What's a girl to do?
I think phase one is beautifully balanced and I look forward to seeing the results of phase two. Did you check out my hallway redo? Similar feel as your phase two...
Looks great can't wait to see more.
Phase 1 turned out great!! And I LOVE how you painted the hallway and the plans for the molding - that's going to look incredibly cool, too! :) I wish I had more wall space to hang pictures - that's on my wish list for our next house! ;)
Love it. I need to organize my pictures..and get some hung as well. Thank you for your kind words today. It means a lot.
I was just thinking about redoing our photos in our living room. you got me motivated!
Looks great, Annie. Love the paint color.
I <3 photos of family and friends and I can't resist buying a new frame everytime I am in Marshalls or Christmas Tree Shops - it's like an addiction... WIsh I had the ideal hallway to display them all like you, my shelves are getting rather cluttered! Lovin'the paint color too!
Oh, I really need to do something like this!
This looks like a great idea for a photo gallery! I love the idea of using molding to frame in the space you painted. It really is amazing how molding can be used to create a space within a space. Great work, very creative!
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